Monday 13 June 2016

Please Save Tigers

Please Save Tigers

In this world, there is only 3000 - 3500 Tigers left today. The Tiger is the biggest cat animal on our planet. Historically Tigers have been hunted at a large scale for their skin. But many people in India, China and other parts of Asia, there
was a belief that various tiger parts have medical properties including like pain killers and aphrodisiacs but there is no scientific evidence to support these beliefs. The usage of tiger parts in Pharmaceutical drugs in china and other countries is already banned.

Global Tiger Status : 3890

In India : 2226  by April 2016

Please Make a Donation for Saving Tigers

"Save Tiger Now" is a global campaign by World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Leonardo DiCaprio Fund (LDF) to build Financial, Political and Public support to Double the number of Wild Tigers by 2022.

For More Details about this campaign :

Save Animals, Save from Extinction, Save Earth.

Please Share this article to get more help. Thank you

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